NEIMAN & INTERIAN, PLLC has been providing high quality legal services to clients with offices in Coral Gables and Boca Raton.

The attorneys of Neiman & Interian, PLLC have the experience, creativity and knowledge to provide quality legal services within our general areas of practice which include taxation, business planning, estate planning, asset preservation and probate.  Our practice includes a broad range of tax, business and estate planning for individuals and businesses and representation of individual and business clients in federal and state tax controversies before the Internal Revenue Service, the Florida Department of Revenue and applicable courts in tax controversy matters.

Each of our attorneys is a member of the Florida Bar, and has an advanced tax law degree (LL.M in taxation).

At Neiman & Interian, PLLC we have created an environment of trust and cooperation among our professional staff which enables us as a team to provide individualized services to our clients.  We are very pleased and proud that our Firm’s culture has enabled us to retain both staff and clients.